IMG_0295You may cut me with your stares,
You may shoot me with your words,
You may destroy me with your disbelief,
But I will still stand,
For in my soul there is courage,
In my soul there lies joy and faith and love.

The same love that is within you,
The love you ignore as you laugh at my falls,
Or throw lies at my story.

The same love that will bring you to stand with me,
when your soul is ready.

As I stand here as 1,
I thank you still for being my lesson.
For being my growth,
For filling my being with power so that I can keep moving forward.

As I stand here I am grateful still that I can see clearly
Feel infinitely and speak lovingly.
That you are me and I am you.

I see your fire burning to set a blaze upon the world.
I feel your love even from behind the masks of falseness.
I see your light hidden behind darkness and negativity.
I see your courage bleeding through your heart hoping to be seen.

As I stand with patience in my heart and love in my hands
I ask you to stand,
I ask you to smile,
I ask you to be vulnerable,
I ask you to be brave,
To come and hold my love,
So that I can stand here no longer alone… but as part of a sisterhood.

For you have the ability to dry my tears even through the phone,
The ability to wrap me with confidence even from a distance,
The ability to heal the deepest part of my open wounds with your kindness,
This potential lies within every girl, every lady and every woman,
To love whole hearted,
To accept without judgment,
To heal with just the presence of your light.

For you have the ability to speak to my soul, my sister.